
Ad Purp Profiles: Finance & HR Manager Nicole Tyler

Nicole Tyler, long overdue for an employee profile, is Advertise Purple’s human resources lead and right-hand woman to Chief Financial Officer Jon Moisan.

Her specific title is Finance & HR Manager. When she first started, she was strictly working in finances and accounting, but after a few months of success added human resources responsibilities to her day-to-day.

I asked her what it was like managing a fast-growing young company’s finances in a pandemic. She explains how human resources is a job of many hats. She also commented on growing in her role as the company itself grew along with her.

It was also great to learn a bit more about what makes her tick and where she sees the company going and what might be next for the team and herself.

Without further ado, let’s jump right into the interview!

Q: Hi Nicole, in general, how have you handled life in quarantine?

A: It took me a couple of weeks to adjust to our new normal, but overall it hasn’t been too bad. 

I don’t mind staying home, so this is right up my alley :).

Q: Can you explain how you found out about Ad Purp and your interview process a little over a year ago?

A: I found the job posting on Indeed. I remember having a phone interview with Jon Moisan and we instantly bonded over our disdain of QuickBooks Online lol. At that moment, I knew it was going to be a great fit. I came into the office for an in-person interview with Jon and Kyle and the rest is history.

Q: Can you tell me the role you started in and subsequently, promotions that led you to the role you currently have?

A: Sure! I was initially hired as the Finance Manager and a few months later I was offered the HR role as I have quite a few years of experience.

Q: What attracted you to HR specifically? I know you studied in the field, can you elaborate on that?

A: My background is in accounting, but my last few roles were hybrids between both accounting and HR. It was at that time, I knew I really enjoyed working with people and it’s a good departure from spending too much time looking at computer screens and instead having real human interaction.

Q: At Advertise Purple, we’re lucky to have new hires coming aboard even during COVID-19. How has it been on-boarding them while we’re all stuck in this work-from-home setup?

A: A lot of companies are experiencing hiring freezes, but we have been fortunate enough to still be growing. It’s taken some maneuvering and coordination, to make it happen, but we get it done 🙂

Q: What has been the hardest part about doing your job from home? Or has it been relatively seamless?

A: Working from home has been a pretty seamless transition. I do miss being in the office and seeing everyone in person, but I’ve gotten used to this schedule.

Q: What has been your favorite part about working at Ad Purp?

A: The culture and office pups 🙂

Q: Without using cheesy office jargon, it does feel as if you wear “many hats”. How do you juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities throughout your day?

A:  There’s no way I could do it without my trusty notebook. I’m a “list person” so I keep my daily/weekly/monthly tasks and things to do organized that way. Don’t get me started on the color coding lol.

Q: Time seems to fly by at Ad Purp (I personally am coming up on a year in a couple of weeks). Why do you think that is?

A: Time flies when you’re having fun!

Q: Who’s office dog is the cutest?

A: They’re all cute – no favorites over here 😉 (Editor’s note: Theo is the cutest. There is no debate!)


Thank you for your time and for answering these questions, Nicole. We appreciate you and all that you do for us here!

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