
International Women’s Day 2021: Talking Empowerment and Leadership With A Few Women of Advertise Purple

* Not all pictured are Advertise Purple employees 

From Blondie to Beyoncé, Aretha Franklin to Alicia Keys, women have always been the focal point of powerful messages, and with good reason. As Beyoncé herself nods to, women run the world, and that’s more apparent than ever with the inspiring initiatives of change makers like Malala Yousafzai, Yara Shahidi, and Greta Thunberg. Really, too many to name.

The truth of the matter is, everyday is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the amazing women around us and in our lives, but holidays like International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month give us a reason to kick everything up a notch. Whether we’re honoring our exceptional moms or our incredible coworkers right here at Advertise Purple, we can all do something to acknowledge the achievements, strengths, and contributions of women. 

For International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month 2021, I had the great privilege of virtually chatting with some of the remarkable women at AdPurp about the challenges they face, female empowerment, and what it’s like to thrive in the workplace as women. 

Okay, let’s get into it!

What Does International Women’s Day mean to you? How does a day like this feel to you?

Marissa V: International Women’s Day serves as a reminder of the strength, willpower, and determination that lies within each and every woman. It pays tribute to all the women that have paved the way for who we are and what we are able to accomplish as women today. 

Nicole T: It’s amazing to have a special day to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women that came before us, that are here now, and our future leaders! 

Sarah D: I think it’s great that the world takes the time to acknowledge and honor women. Women are such powerful individuals who should be recognized for their hard work and achievements. It’s great that we take a day to appreciate the women throughout history who have paved the way for generations to come, and who have become role models for women everywhere. But we also must remember to celebrate and acknowledge the everyday women around us, for every recognition is a step in the right direction. 

Caroline F: It serves as a reminder to take the time to acknowledge all of the wonderful women in my life. I have so many fantastic female family members, friends, and coworkers. To me, the most important part of life is having healthy, positive relationships with the people you surround yourself with, and I’m happy to say that I have those kinds of connections with so many great women.

Tyler L: I think International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate all women and their achievements. I think it’s awesome to have a day specifically to recognize women! 

Alyssa V: Although, I believe International Women’s Day should be everyday, I am so happy to have a day to celebrate and highlight all the powerful women in our lives. As Beyonce once said, “Who run[s] the world? Girls!” and that statement couldn’t be more accurate now more than ever. Women are stepping into positions of power, massive success, launches of women-owned businesses, and the list goes on! I feel so inspired by all the women we have in our world and I feel like the possibilities are endless. 

Caroline S: This holiday feels so special to me in so many ways. It represents a day where we can all slow down, recognize the endless achievements by women all over the world, and shine light on the importance of constantly working to create a world of gender equality, equal opportunity and instilling in the younger generations of women today that anything they dream of if possible!

What challenges have you faced as a woman and how have you persevered through them?

Alyssa V: As a woman, I feel like we are constantly told on how we should be, act, do, say, etc. by society. Which leads to an immense amount of pressure and can often lead to feeling like we can’t express our authentic selves. To combat this, I feel we should all embrace what it means to be our true, individual selves. Also, I feel like we have an immense amount of pressure to always seem ‘perfect’ and that we have it all together. Making mistakes and failure are a part of life, so it’s best to embrace when things don’t go as planned, because that just means it is a blessing within the lesson. Of course this is easier said than done. I myself have tried to persevere through this issue by doing something that ‘embarrasses myself’ each day. By putting myself out there and doing things that I actually want to do, I have learned to embrace what it means to be authentic in my everyday life. 

Caroline S: I’ve learned a lot over my years being in a sorority of over 300 girls in college and always working with many wonderful, driven women in the workplace. Things won’t always be picture-perfect, but the key is to listen and always know that everyone is fighting their own private battles in life. Lend a listening ear when you can and get together for lunch as much as possible. Be the woman who organizes an out-of-work bonding day! Women supporting each other and shining light on each others’ achievements, rather than focusing on shortcomings or mistakes, is so important, especially in the workplace.

What does it mean to be a woman in your culture? 

Sarah D: I have been fortunate enough to be integrated into two different cultures. I have lived in California most of my life, but have always been connected to my Egyptian upbringing. It’s astonishing to see the difference between the cultures. While Americans have been taking action towards gender equality, Egyptians have often been lacking behind. That being said, every time I go back to Egypt, I’m always happy to see Egyptian women gaining more ground and becoming more empowered. I can’t wait for the day we reach full gender equality in both the US and Egypt

Tell me about what your experience has been like as a woman at Advertise Purple. 

Alyssa V: When I first started at Advertise Purple, I joined the Partnerships Department which, at the time, was an all-women team besides our awesome boss RJ. Transitioning from my old Sales career (where I was a part of teams that were more male-dominant), I truly have gotten the opportunity to experience what it means to collaborate, support, and grow professionally with a group of talented women.

Caroline S: From day one, when I sat down for my interview with Mike B, I felt extremely special, respected, and as though my opinion meant the absolute world to him and the team. I’m not only guided by incredibly kind and hard-working leadership, but surrounded by a team that will go out of their way to lend a hand, help you do your best work, and be there as a friend! It’s sometimes very hard to find a team that encompasses all of those. 

What has it been like to lead your department as a woman in your workplace? 

Marissa V: At Advertise Purple, I began as a Project Manager and worked my way up to a Senior Project Manager. Throughout the process, I felt completely supported and motivated to grow in my role. As a woman leader in the workplace, I feel confident to voice my opinion knowing that I will receive positive and constructive feedback.

Caroline F: It’s been a very rewarding experience. In my previous roles and even when I first started here, I didn’t necessarily see myself as a leader or think I possessed enough leadership skills naturally. However, my managers have really helped to build my confidence, improve my skill set, and recognize the abilities I do have that can be assets to leadership. I think I’ve grown tremendously from the time I first started in the workplace to now, and I owe so much of that to my AdPurp peers and the experiences I’ve had here. 

How do you empower other women in both your life and at Advertise Purple? And how do you feel everyone can contribute to more female empowerment? 

Sarah D: It’s important for us to take time to acknowledge not only acclaimed women throughout history, but the everyday women around us. It’s through the simplest acts that we help empower one another — whether that’s praising another woman for great achievements, such as getting a promotion or thanking your mom for putting a meal on the table after a long day at work. By celebrating women for their small wins, we take small steps towards women’s achievements, eventually leading to a greater sense of women empowerment. 

Tyler L: I always try to be a positive energy and remind people of how appreciated they are. I feel like everyone can contribute by lifting people up with words of motivation and encouragement. Whether it’s complimenting a work accomplishment or something more personal, you can always make sure women know how powerful they are. 

Caroline S: Always continue to educate yourself on the issues we face as women. Whether you read a book, a blog, or simply talk to the women you’re surrounded by, keep listening. Recognize the holidays dedicated to us women and continue to lead by example. 

How do you feel empowered as a woman in life and at work here at Advertise Purple? 

Sarah D: We have a great work environment at Advertise Purple where everyone cheers each other on and praises each other’s accomplishments. I’ve watched women all around me grow both personally and professionally by working alongside one another. We always offer each other a helping hand, whether that’s helping with work or boosting morale. I’m happy to be part of a work community that encourages women to support one another.

Caroline F: I think the leaders of Advertise Purple are great at recognizing talent, hard work, growth, and loyalty, and rewarding that regardless of gender. If you do the job and do it well, your efforts will be recognized.

Alyssa V:  I constantly feel empowered and supported as a woman here at Advertise Purple. I don’t know what I would do without our famous ‘LADIES ONLY’ Skype chat that includes all things beauty-related, the best recommendations in LA, sales for online shopping, and more! It’s quite dangerous to my bank account but makes my heart so full that I can (virtually) come to work everyday surrounded by such amazing women. 

Instead of opting for competition, how can women better support each other?

Marissa V: I think we can better support each other by bringing awareness to the fact that we are collectively working towards the same goal of a successful business. While other spaces operate in a competitive workspace, Advertise Purple shines a light on the benefits of working together as a group. 

Tell us a bit about what it was like spearheading Advertise Purple’s mentor program. How have you seen it help women on the team? 

Devon N: I LOVED spearheading the mentor program! I get to learn so much about people and get to play a small part in building the company culture here. I’ve seen so many people get connected through the mentor program that probably wouldn’t have really talked to each other or have been friends without it. I feel like the program has really expanded the connections people have at AdPurp, which makes us all feel more like family! In terms of women specifically, I think having a mentor can really help you professionally. I know women traditionally are hesitant to speak up and ask for what they want. Having a mentor guide you through that process and empower you to get to where you want to be is extremely helpful. We have some incredible women as mentors here that have helped their mentees tremendously in all aspects of life! 

What is your International Women’s Day message to other women? 

Marissa V: My message to other women would be to continue celebrating each other every day, inspiring one another, and challenging yourself. I am proud of how far we have come as women and how far we will go in society. I hope to serve as a role model for future generations to come by spreading encouragement and positive energy. 

Nicole T: Continue to work hard and go after your dreams! 

Sarah D: I’d like to thank all the women throughout history for their hard work and the sacrifices they’ve made to pave the way for women like me to achieve their dreams. I encourage everyone- men and women- to carry the torch and work towards a world that doesn’t allow structural or social barriers to hold women back. 

Tyler L: Treat everyday like International Women’s Day. Do what you can do to make a positive difference for women! 

Alyssa V: My International Women’s Day Message to all women is a quote by my personal favorite — Rupi Kaur: “The greatest lesson a woman should learn is, since day one she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” As a woman, there’s no denying that we face a lot of pressure and hardships throughout our lifetime. However, at the end of the day the truth is we have everything we need right within ourselves. We are powerful. Here’s to all Women!

Caroline S: We are all capable of absolutely anything we put our minds to in life. I have dreamed since I was little of moving to California and living in a beautiful beach town. Although it may have taken years of hard work and mustering up the courage to move 3,000 miles from home, here I am! Follow your dreams and work hard, the rest will follow!


Thank you so much to these talented and inspiring women who took part in acknowledging this day and Women’s History Month. You can always count on them for an uplifting conversation — no doubt.

Shoot, I realized I never included my own message to women for International Women’s Day. What shall I say… Ah, I got it! What I’d love to tell women during this special time is: You are everything you believe you are, so plant positive seeds and then watch them grow. No matter what difficulties cross our paths, we are strong, we are capable, and nothing and no one can get in the way of us achieving our dreams. We are made for this.

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